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Nan Ya Plastics, Taiwan’s largest epoxy resin producer, has shut down its 130,000 tonne/year liquid epoxy resin (LER) plant in Kunshan, eastern China for a two-week turnaround, a company source said on Tuesday. “The unit was taken off line today and will restart around 2-3 February,” the source said in Mandarin. Nan Ya had earlier postponed the start up of its second 180,000 tonne/year epoxy resins plant located at the same site to the third quarter of 2009 but this was further delayed to 2010. Further details could not be obtained. The company also plans to shut its 200,000 tonne/year LER facilities in Taiwan for an 8-9 day turnaround due to prevailing weak market conditions.
2009-01-20 收起回复
