Overcapacity—Global Market of Sulfur


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2008 Global Seminar on Sulfur was held in Rome, Italy. Mike • Cato, the chief consultant of British Sulfur Consulting Firm said that sulfur global market will face an oversupply situation. Although the consumption of sulfur will grow in the next 10 years, the growth rate of production of sulfur will be even greater. He predicted that global production will increase 35,600,000 tons / year by 2017, most of which will come from the Middle East, Canada, Kazakhstan and China. At the same time, global consumption is expected to increase 20,900,000 tons / year, most of which will come from the new East Asia, Africa, Oceania and the Middle East. The production capacity would far exceed the growth rate of demand, which means that the global sulfur market will suffer a serious over-production. The market will be in a long-term weakness.
2008-12-11 收起回复
